Looking for a particular sermon or guest speaker? Type in part or all of the name of the sermon title or speaker name in the "search archive" box at the bottom of the sermon player then hit enter or click the "search archive" button to the right.

You can also use the sermon media player to look through the Word of God while you are listening to a sermon by clicking on the "Bible" tab. You can search through the Bible for keywords or phrases or jump straight to the scripture you're looking for.

To learn how to use other features, follow the directions provided below.

  • Want to take notes with Pastor's sermon?

    Click on the "PDF" icon to download Pastor's note-guide.

  • Want to download the sermon for listening at a later time? 

    Click on the "Details" tab and click "MP3"

  • Want to subscribe to Calvary Bible Church's Podcast via iTunes?

    Click on the iPod icon at the bottom of the player.

4/03/11 - You can find all the sermons here or visit our sermon.net channel, for sermons prior to 4/03/11 click here.